The Directors of BMW Construction Limited wish to pursue
a policy to promote Health and Safety at work and seek the co-operation of
all employees for that purpose.
BMW will provide working conditions that comply with the relevant statutory
requirements, directives and officially approved codes of practice that are
designed to ensure good standards of Health and Safety. We will, therefore,
do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and damage
to property and to protect everyone from foreseeable work hazards, including
the public, in so far as they come into contact with the Company, or its products.
In particular BMW shall:
(a) Provide information, instructions, training and supervision to enable employees to perform their work safely and efficiently.
(b) Implement and maintain suitable emergency procedures, specific to the environment we are working in.
(c) Make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment and supervise their use.
(d) Maintain a constant and continuing interest in Health and safety matters applicable to the Company’s activities, in particular, by consulting and involving employees and their representatives.
(e) Ensure that safe systems of work for Plant and Equipment are available and distributed.
(f) Ensure that safe arrangements for use, handling, storage and transportation of articles and hazardous substances via a successful risk assessment process.
(g) Provide and maintain adequate first aid and emergency facilities.
(h) Comply with all current UK & EU legislation
BMW recognises that injury and illness can happen in any environment and it
is the Director’s objective to reduce the incidence of these to an absolute
minimum. Employees have a duty to exercise personal responsibility for their
own Health and Safety and others who may be affected by their work activities.
The support of all employees is required to ensure the success of the Company’s
Health and Safety Policy.